I started traveling back in college. My first trip “as an adult” was to New York in 2004. It was a long weekend trip with some friends and roommates, and I remember them poking fun at me because I brought one of those old school suitcases that buckled closed and was pulled by a frayed leather strap. Picture it now. I never owned luggage before, so this was a hand-me-down from my parents. I recall asking for “the largest suitcase” they owned. This thing was definitely too large to carry on, and I overstuffed the suitcase with all of these hypothetical outfits I would wear over the course of four days. Not only did I need outfits for each day, but for each separately planned activity. Being a travel amateur without a good travel routine caused me a lot of inconvenience.

Never underestimate convenience. I would not consider myself a travel buff; however, after 14 years, I’m definitely a frequent flier. Travel continues to be at the top of my priority list. For that reason, I often find myself obsessing over travel tips, and finding ways to travel in absolute convenience.
Fast forward the New York trip to present day. 2017 was a busy year for me – New York, Miami, Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo, Cancun, Seattle, Austin, and Los Angeles. And don’t forget Vegas. Never forget Vegas! 2018 is filled with even more trips and more checks off the bucket list. In 2017, I made it a goal to never check a bag unless I was traveling for an extended period of time (more than 10 days). In 2018, I continue choosing convenience and seeking ways to travel…better.
In no particular order, I’ve put together a list of essentials for my travel routine, but I will continue to challenge myself to redefine the best way to travel.
No matter how long the flight is, I love bringing compression socks. I absolutely hate getting up during the flight (I try to avoid using plane bathrooms!!!). These are great for increasing blood circulation and reducing swelling in your feet. Avoid those varicose veins!
Time is money, and there are plenty of occasions I will pay to avoid standing in line.
Global entry offers expedited clearance to low-risk travelers into the United States through Customs and Border Patrol regardless of where you traveled from. Instead of waiting in line at the US Customs and Border Patrol, you skip the line and go to the kiosks to enter the US. You do not need to fill out the blue entry form. Global Entry members are given a “Known Traveler Number” or KTN, and can enter this number into all their travel itineraries (during booking or any time prior to checking-in) to be eligible for TSA Pre-check for no additional cost.
Many airports are moving towards the automated passport control, which attempts to expedite the customs and immigration process, but the non-global entry lines are undoubtedly much longer than global entry lines. Save yourself the time and hassle.
Check out my post here for GLOBAL ENTRY.

I used to think CLEAR was too expensive and not worth it, but after a year of having it, I’m pro-CLEAR. With a CLEAR membership, you gain access to the CLEAR lanes at a limited amount of airports. There is a separate CLEAR line where TSA agents will obtain bins for you and you get to cut the regular security line. I previously decided against CLEAR because it would only allow you to skip the line, but required you to go the same process as all others (removing shoes, remove laptops and 3-1-1 compliant bags). Now airports offer a CLEAR / TSA PRE-CHECK line. Win win!!
If you’re pushing the envelope with how late you get to the airport, this is the best thing option for you. To save on costs, I have a second membership with my family, so I only paid $50 for my additional membership. Check with your work for discounts or a simply google search for a free or discounted trial.
These are my new favorite travel accessory. These allow you to separately organize your clothes into these reusable mesh cubes. While they don’t save a significant amount of space, they work well to stay organized and use every single inch of your suitcase. These are not one size fit all, so definitely make sure the cubes max out the width of your luggage in order to maximize usage.
I’ll be the first to admit, I take a lot of vacation, but I also don’t adhere to the concept of “work-life balance.” I believe it’s hard to compartmentalize your career, especially with all the travel I enjoy doing. With international day pass, I can travel and be connected as much as I choose.
While each cell phone provider uses a different name, the ‘international day pass’ has really been an amazing and affordable feature to stay connected in over 100 countries (using AT&T). I recall the days where opting for an international plan broke the bank and I couldn’t uses google maps unless I was on wifi. Once in Barcelona, I landed on a taxi strike day. Instead of grabbing a cab from the airport to my hotel, I had to figure out how to take a train and a bus to the hotel. I’ll skip to the end of the story – it was pretty terrible. If I had international day pass, I could have called an uber.
The day pass is only $10/day. Check it out here.
I don’t think I really understood the value of this until I missed a flight and had to wait in an airport for more than an hour. With Priority Pass, you have access to many airport lounges (not all though) at participating airports. Grab a drink (for free), log onto the wifi, and relax while you wait for your flight. Depending on the lounge, they’ll serve snacks or actual food. It’s a nice way to get away from the gen pop travelers, who always seem to be towing loud, crying children and sneezing all over the place without covering their noses.
With my Chase Sapphire Reserve card, I get complimentary access to all Priority Pass lounges. On my recent trip to Copenhagen, I was able to get two of my girlfriends in as guests no problem. Based on my research, there is no guest limit with the card. However, each lounge probably reserves the right to limit as they choose. For example, I’ve seen large groups of people in LAX get turned away since they were only a Priority Pass member and not affiliated with the respective lounge airline.

A serious staple for traveling. The wristlet I use includes a battery pack is slim enough that you can carry your phone, cards, cash, and some make-up in the pouch. Don’t forget to charge the battery before heading out for the day though. It doesn’t have a very long life.
Another obvious way to streamline your next trip is to avoid checking bags! Not only do you risk the airlines losing your luggage, you’re wasting precious time stuck at baggage claim.
One of my favorite Christmas gifts from last year was my Calpak. Boyfriend got the hint when he found me scouring the internet every weekend looking for the best carry-on. When I opened the gift, my first thought was “Hmmm…how the hell do I fit everything in this one suitcase?!?!” But it ended up being just perfect. It was small enough for international travel (and believe me, those Europeans have the tiniest suitcases!!!); included a separate front compartment for your laptop and tablet for easy access; has 8 spinner wheels for smooth operating; and was hard case (further forcing me pack more effectively).
From the novice college student who packed enough clothes for a small family on a 4-day weekend trip to New York to the quasi-experienced traveler I am today, let me tell you, this bag is amazing. I’ve learned a lot in the past few years about what it means to travel light. I’ve recently taken this bag with me on a one-week trip and found that I packed more than I needed. Definitely buy your toiletries in travel/sample size and pack basics to wear to mix-and-match.
Last, but not certainly least, is travel-size coconut oil. If you can read and have been alive in the past few years, you know there’s like 1 million uses for coconut oil. For travel, I personally love using it as body wash, make-up remover, shaving cream, and a moisturizer. It really helps to eliminate the amount of liquids you pack.
I purposefully left this list at my Top 9 travel essentials. As for my #10, I’m going to continue searching. I’m going to keep traveling. Traveling light and with the utmost convenience is so important to me these days. Time is too precious.

Great tips. Will be signing up for some of those sites!